Thursday, April 14, 2011

God is good

There are things that happen in one's life. Things that speak to you and tell you that God cares for us and wants us to be happy. Some are grand expressions and obvious statements of God's love. Others are more subtle. They almost pass by without our notice. Then we realize what happened and recognize it as the greatness that it is. Some examples you say? But of no particular order..
1. Beer
2. Birth of a child
3. Rainbows
4. The existence of people like Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela.
5. Chocolate

There is one such happening on the horizon. I know I am not the only one who sees this for what it is. It is a true gift and reassurance that no matter how much we have suffered that God will lead us out of darkness and into the light. That evil, no matter how much it seems to have a grasp on us all, has an end. Now, I don't fancy myself a prophet but I feel secure in saying that this event may well be the turning point of our civilization. The catalyst that will launch us into a new dawn of reality. No more spoon fed psycho babble or demeaning veiled as "moving tribute". The end of us being manipulated like marionettes on a string to do this or buy that or lose weight or not or read this or believe that. This event marks yet another expression of God's love and kindness and our own freedom. What is this event you ask? This event is a simple one, but one that is receiving some fanfare. It finally has come and after it happens we can all go back to being the true expressions of ourselves that we were meant to be.

Devil, get behind us! We shall overcome! Yes we can! The only thing we have to fear is fear itself! Whoomp, there it is! A day that will live in infamy!

It will be here soon. I can't wait. A day of new hope and renewal for us all. Thank you Lord for you goodness and mercy. For this event truly shows us your love for us.

That event is.......

The FINAL Oprah Winfrey Show
May 25, 2011

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